Friday, December 17, 2004

Coming soon: album autocreation, and then some.

The feature I'm working on now: allow user to drop the folder on the tree, and let the app to figure out, which category/subcategory/album it should go. And if album is not there - it will create it:-).
Along the same lines: you'd be able to select the whole bunch of albums and modify their properties at once. E.g. move them all from one category/subcategory to another, change the visibility and access level, sorting order, and so on and so forth.

Originally I thought I'd be done with this prior XMas, but then Don published new API, which I wanted to "wrap" first (check), then I also got distracted with licensing (check), so all in all, it's not done yet, but it's coming, and it's coming fast..
And if you think that this will be all - you don't know me:-)


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